15 Responses to “NaBloPoMo: Daily Blogging Is HARD”

  1. The Dose of RealityNovember 16, 2012 at 3:36 pm #

    I salute you. I could not do it every day. (I’m so glad I have a partner because it’s always half the work of doing it alone).

    I love how you said, your life will provide you with a couple of things to write about per week if you’re lucky. Just last weekend I was thinking,’ I sure hope something happens this week or I might be toast for Friday’s column’ HA! –Lisa

  2. Samantha Brinn MerelNovember 16, 2012 at 4:39 pm #

    The way you feel about Sandy? Thats the exact way I feel about my move. It has given me a lot of fodder for my NaBloPoMo adventure. I love reading what you write, and you are certainly not boring. Halfway there! You can do it!

  3. BizNovember 16, 2012 at 4:44 pm #

    That’s why my type of blogging is easy, I just blog about my day! I look forward to the days (in the far future mind you!) when my grandkids will be able to read through my daily diary. And find out that I swear like a drunken sailor!

    Enjoy your weekend – I am meeting up with my daughter tomorrow, can’t wait to see her face!

  4. JackNovember 16, 2012 at 5:08 pm #

    Under “normal” circumstances I can blog and comment daily but I got slammed with crazy stuff the last few days so it has been much more challenging.

    Still fun, keep pushing.

  5. Mary @ A Teachable MomNovember 16, 2012 at 6:37 pm #

    You’re doing great!! I’m amazed anyone can do it! I’ll take you up on a drink together soon!

  6. VanessaNovember 16, 2012 at 9:19 pm #

    I’ve been particularly challenged this week and it shows. Crazy hours at work have left me with enough energy to do the essentials at home, read some blogs and I think I might have managed 2 posts. Still, as an incentive to blog more I’ve been far more active this month so far than the past three. Partial success.

  7. cathy@1970kikiprojectNovember 17, 2012 at 7:43 am #

    stacie, i hear you!! btw, i think you are doing a great job – it IS fun to check your blog in the morning and know i will see a new post from you…but YES, daily blogging CAN be a life-sucking force!
    last year when i blogged every day, i seriously would write blog ideas into my calendar. sometimes, i’d do a power-blog session and compose 3-4 entries and schedule ’em….it was fun to be creative, consistently, but a lot of time!
    this photo of the day is easier, but i hear on “am i being boring?!”
    hey, at least you are trying it, and you can confirm what you like/dislike about blogging!

  8. KianwiNovember 17, 2012 at 9:26 am #

    Yes, exactly, to everything you’ve just said! I cannot wait until November is over. I can’t bring myself to quit, but this is really not for me.

    I too am struggling with making ‘good’ posts. My blog, for me, has always been more about the writing than the blogging, and losing quality is hard. I also worry that people will get sick of my lame posts.

    On the plus side, it is helping me to think of different types of topics to post about, as well as to let go of feeling like it has to be perfect. I miss honing a post to perfection for Yeah Write, though (even if others don’t see it as perfection, ha ha 🙂

    I used to only post once or twice a week, so I’m thinking this will help me to increase to 2 or 3 times per week, but it won’t ever be more than that again, let me tell you!

    I also agree that it’s so hard to read and comment on other posts. I plan to do a lot of catch-up this weekend, and just hope the bloggers not participating in this ridiculousness understand why I haven’t been reading and commenting on their blogs like I normally do!

    Good luck for the rest of the month!

  9. Ginny MarieNovember 17, 2012 at 10:15 am #

    You can do it! I’m so happy that I found you through yeah write!

    I have so many unfinished drafts in my dashboard that I go there when I need an idea. 😉

  10. MelanieNovember 17, 2012 at 12:42 pm #

    Oh! White wine. Yum. I would like some right now. Be damned if it’s not even 11:00 AM. I also have been trying to blog more lately, but I am one of the “blog what’s going on” people, so it’s really only for myself that I blog. This whole thing has always been about keeping track of my family’s life and all that we experience. I do, however, throw in some beauty tips and products and pictures from time to time, but my creative blogs typically come when I feel inspired about something emotional going on. Like my Compassion blog the other day. But that still falls in line with stuff going on in my life. I’m impressed you’ve been able to blog every day and keep it interesting and entertaining. Maybe the wine helps!?

  11. IASoupMamaNovember 17, 2012 at 2:12 pm #

    I’d never get bored with you, darlin’! Blogging every day is challenging. I second the idea of putting topics in a list of on the calendar — that’s what I do. And we’re over half done!

  12. LarksNovember 17, 2012 at 3:48 pm #

    I feel you. Part of me is like, “ARGH! The well is dry. And for the next 14 days these poor yeah writers are going to feel obligated to read my blog only it’ll be crushingly boring so they’ll be like, “Geez, lady. After this month I never reading you again.”” Keeping up spirits and quality is HARD.

    You are doing great. Hang in there. And I’ll definitely bear with you. You had me at “wine.”

  13. Fran@BCDCNovember 18, 2012 at 8:32 am #

    You’re doing really well, Stacie! I’m proud of you for doing the yeah, write! posts. I have yet to get the hang of that and may hold off until January to really make a run at it. Blogging every day IS hard which is why I often consider reducing my posts, but then, I just don’t have the heart to. Have a great Sunday!

  14. ZoNovember 18, 2012 at 11:53 am #

    I can’t imagine trying to post every day. One of the reasons I revised and have regretted my “200 posts this year” resolutions is because I find I’ve run into the same issues you’re running into…and that’s a more “forgiving” 3-4 times a week. Once I hit my goal for the year, I’ll probably aim for 2-3 a week, but won’t commit to anything!

  15. Michelle LongoNovember 24, 2012 at 8:59 am #

    I think you’re doing just fine! Better than that actually 🙂 It is really hard. I think I hit an all time low with my 1-sentence post on Thanksgiving and I have no idea how I’m going to get a post done today. I’m so behind on reading and commenting on other people’s stuff too since keeping up on my own is taking up so much time. I look forward to a quieter December, that’s for sure!

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